Can you lose your salvation?
It was a question that haunted me. Tormented me. Sent me into an existential panic. Not only did I struggle to find assurance of salvation, but I was also terrified of losing my salvation.
And it didn’t help that I grew up in the 90’s evangelical world, where every youth conference contained at least one opportunity to “rededicate” your life to Christ. Behind this “opportunity” was the assumption that some people had, presumably, lost their salvation and needed to regain it.
Music would be playing softly and the speaker would be earnestly pleading with all the “backsliders”, inviting them to be on fire for Jesus again (there was a lot of fire in the 90’s). Tears would be shed, hands would be raised, and kids would stream to the front for prayer (and usually some sort of group hug).
To top it all off, in answer to the question, “Can you lose your salvation?” Hebrews 6 seems to say, “Yes.”
What was I supposed to make of these spiritually terrifying words? Can you lose your salvation? Would it slip from my grasp, like a gem covered in grease (I think that analogy works)?
Maybe you can relate to this. Maybe the question of, “Can you lose your salvation?” torments you. Or maybe you know someone who struggles like I did.
So what does scripture really say? It there any biblical proof that you can lose your salvation, even if you’re a genuine Christian?
- Not If It’s All From God
- Not If God Will Preserve You
- Not If God Will Finish What He Began
- What About The Warnings In Hebrews 6?
- He Will Hold Me Fast
Can You Lose Your Salvation? Not If It’s All From God
The Bible makes it clear that you can’t lose your salvation because it’s all from God. We are not saved because of anything good in us. Rather, when we are dead in our transgressions and sins, God causes us to become alive to him. God chooses us to be saved even though we would never choose him.
As Ephesians 2:4-5 puts it:
But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved…
Being chosen in Christ and made alive together with Christ is the first link in the unbreakable chain of salvation. From start to finish, salvation is ALL of God. It starts with him choosing us in Christ to be saved.
Can you lose your salvation? Not if salvation is all from God.
Can You Lose Your Salvation? Not If God Will Preserve You
Again and again, God makes it very clear that he will keep and preserve every true believer. In John 6:39-40, Jesus speaks these sweet words of comfort:
And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day. For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.
God has given believers to Jesus. I belong to him, he owns me, and he is very possessive of me. He doesn’t play fast and loose with his people.
Jesus himself has promised that on that final day, when he returns in staggering glory, I will be raised up to eternal life. Nothing can stop Jesus from fulfilling that promise. If Jesus has said that he will hold me fast until his return, I can be absolutely sure that he will.
In other words, I won’t lose my salvation.
Notice that this passage is all about what God will do. It’s not about my ability to persevere or hold fast to Jesus. It’s not about my ability to make it through intense suffering.
It’s not like a spiritual Hunger Games, with Jesus saying, “Only the strong will make it to the end.”
The reason you can’t lose your salvation is that Jesus himself is holding you fast and has promised to keep you till the end.
R.C. Sproul helpfully puts it this way:
[Christians] persevere not because they are so diligent in making use of the mercies of God. The only reason we can give why any of us continue on in the faith is because we have been preserved…My confidence in my preservation is not in my ability to persevere. My confidence rests in the power of Christ to sustain me with His grace and by the power of His intercession. He is going to bring us safely home.
In other words, Jesus will hold me fast in his invincible, unbreakable, unstoppable grip until the final day. I won’t lose my salvation because Jesus is holding on to me.
So can you lose your salvation? Not if God is the one who is preserving you.
Can You Lose Your Salvation? Not If God Will Finish What He Began
In Philippians 1:6, Paul says, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”
There was more dysfunction in Paul’s churches than most reality television shows. The Corinthians were getting pasted at the Lord’s Supper, the Galatians were on the verge of abandoning the gospel, the Colossians were tempted to worship angels, and two women were duking it out in the Philippian church.
And yet, Paul could confidently say that God would finish the good work he started in them. They would not lose their salvation or fall away from God. God would continue working in them and keep them as his children.
How could Paul be confident that any of these people would persevere until Christ’s return?
Because God was the one who started the work of salvation and God would be the one who would complete it.
Can you lose your salvation? No, because God himself is the one in charge of completing what he began.
This gives me an incredible amount of peace. If my final salvation were up to me, I wouldn’t make it. I’m sure of that. I’m no spiritual Superman or hero (to paraphrase Dave Matthews). Without God holding me fast, I would be prone to wander and eventually fall away.
But God is the one who is working in me. He caused me to be born again and he will continue to work in me until that final day when I’m fully conformed to the image of Christ.
This is the glory of the new covenant in Christ. Israel was unable to consistently follow God. They constantly wandered into idolatry and wickedness, fundamentally lacking the power to keep God’s law. They could, and often did, “lose” the salvation God offered. Despite all their best efforts, Israel couldn’t remain faithful to God.
And so God promised to do something new and revolutionary: to write his law on the hearts of his people. In Jeremiah 31:33-34, the Lord speaks these breathtaking words:
For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
In answer to the question, “Can you lose your salvation?” this passage (and others like it) give me great peace. One of the central promises of the New Covenant is that God writes his law on my heart. He gives me both the desire to obey and the power to do it. The reason I won’t lose my salvation is because he has burned his laws upon my heart and is giving the strength to obey.
God the Father ordained my salvation in eternity past.
God the Son purchased my salvation through his life, death, and resurrection.
And God the Spirit now dwells within me, convicting me of sin and compelling me to follow Christ.
From beginning to end, my salvation (and yours) is all of God.
If you fear losing your salvation, these passages are your peace. Your comfort. Your rest.
What About The Warnings In Hebrews 6 Regarding Losing Your Salvation?
Of course, this does raise a rather sticky question: what about the passages of scripture that seem to warn against falling away?
For example, Hebrews 6:4-6 says:
For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance…
That sure makes it seems like I can fall away from Christ after being saved. It sounds like I can lose my salvation. So what am I supposed to make of these passages?
First, I have to acknowledge that there is a real tension between these warnings and the promises noted above. I need to avoid the common mistake of rounding off the sharp edges of the passage and I need to feel the full weight of its meaning.
So how am I to interpret these passages?
They are passages of severe warning meant to push me to persevere in Christ.
This is where the mystery of God’s providence and my responsibility collide. Does God promise that he will keep me to the end? Yes. Does he assure me that nothing can separate me from the love of God in Christ? Absolutely. Does he ease my fears when it comes to losing my salvation? Yes.
But also…
Does God also call me to put aside every sin and to run hard after him? Yes. Does he warn me against the danger of rejecting Christ and embracing sin? Absolutely.
Do I have to reconcile these things so that they fit perfectly together? Nope.
I like how Ardel Caneday says it:
The preacher [in Hebrews 6] expects us to take to heart both the urgent warning against a final departing from Christ (6:4–8) and the admonition to assured confidence in God’s promise (6:9–20) without any whisper of contradiction. He doesn’t admonish us to doubt the inheritance that God assures us by his sworn oath and promise. God regularly uses warnings and consolations or threats and promises together to secure us in the way of salvation.
In other words, I’m called to heed the warning of Hebrews 6 without doubting that God will also keep me to the end. I’m called to fight sin diligently, knowing that God himself is working in me.
Additionally, the warning passages themselves function as a means of God helping me to persevere to the end.
I don’t have to somehow make everything fit together. If I do that, I’ll end up minimizing either the promises of perseverance or the warnings against falling away. Instead, I need to embrace both and let the tension exist.
Paul lays out this tension beautifully in Philippians 2:12-13:
Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
Yes, I am to work out my salvation, knowing that if I don’t fight against my sin there will be serious consequences. But I fight from a place of peace, knowing that God himself is working in me, making me like Jesus.
He Will Hold Me Fast
Are we called to work out our salvation with fear and trembling? Yes. But can you lose your salvation? No.
That’s such sweet news to me, because if I could lose it, I already would have.
Charles Spurgeon helpfully puts it this way:
I think few doctrines more vital than that of the perseverance of the saints, for if ever one child of God did perish, or if I knew it were possible that one could, I should conclude at once that I must, and I suppose each of you would do the same. And then where is the joy and happiness of the gospel?
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Stephen, It’s true that a Christian can’t lose salvation because God has promised eternal life to those who have accepted Jesus’ atonement for our sins. However, a person can stop being a Christian, reject Jesus and, in that way, lose salvation. Don’t confuse us with an absolute “no” when the truth is “no if you remain a Christian”. Be very careful to tell the whole truth.
Hey Steven!
I agree with you…mostly. This is where it gets into the issues of our free will and God’s sovereignty. I believe that God will keep his people from rejecting him, and that those who do reject Christ will be punished for their sins.
“Christians” who turn from Christ would fit into 1 John 2:19 which says, “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.”
In other words, God will keep all of his people until that final day. Those who depart from Christ were never actually of Christ. Does that make sense?
1 John 2 does rightly describe some folk. But the Calvinistic approach that salvation is only proven by the fact someone remains is works theology. It’s God starts it you finish it.
What this doesn’t account for is genuine Christians, who through reasons, like manipulative religion which spiritual abuses its followers produce wounds and bitterness that cause some to walk away. I have seen this happen. Grace is eternal. If the wounded never return are they doomed to hell? No. You can’t take one passage and formulate a dogmatic doctrine from it. John is speaking of people who were never saved. I am speaking of those who were genuinely saved. Fruit was clearly seen but through hurts, oppression and life in a fallen world they fell away.
I just believe the Calvinistic one size fits all response isn’t accurate or applicable in all situations. Eternal life isn’t potential life. Eternal life isn’t temporal life until you get off probation by persevering until you die…either once saved always saved period or its conditionally saved…
You are correct! Thank you! Jesus Blood on the cross was enough. One time is all it takes. The rest is the guidelines to our rewards in heaven we’re not to be satisfied with the bare minimum just to get in heaven. So sad that people think you can be adopted and then unadopted and then adopted and unadopted. When you’re a child of God you are a child of God.
The Calvinistic approach is “works theology”? Maybe the dumbest thing I’ve read this year. SMH
Absolutely makes perfect sense.
There is no such thing as , “if you remain a Christian” We do not have the ability to obtain or loose our salvation. Simply put, we’re not that powerful. He (Jesus) is the Author and finisher of our faith. This is the best article I’ve read on the topic. If we were ever saved to began with; He has sealed us into an eternal covenant with Him. You cannot become unborn spiritually any more than you can become unborn physically. Ephesians says: for by grace are you saved through faith, and that (not of yourselves) it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.
Nice to see some one get it right Roy! God Bless.
You contradict yourself – I know many people who were Christian, living the walk, talking the talk, active in the spirit, many I’ve met in person but one famous person, pastor Joshua Harris, who have gone on to publicly reject Christianity and renounce it
They were saved, and they lost their salvation – so YES somebody can be a bible following Christian who is saved, then stop caring, renounce Christianity, and be unsaved
The parable of the seeds is clear of this as well
Your statement brings out a a thought I’ve not heard thus far. “One cannot lose their salvation, but they can walk away from it by their actions which is a result of choice”. To clarify, a parent NEVER wants to lose their child to running around and maybe get into drugs or alcohol or sinful things unpleasing to God. But that happens even though they were born into a Christian Pastor’s home and raised the right way and given their heart to God. A Mom & Dad really hurt that one of children goes astray, just like our heavenly Father it never stops their love for them.
My brother a born again believer graduated from high school and decided to join the army & from there, things went south. Stationed in Germany for several years he got away from the Lord and was living a life that was not in any way shape or form glorifying who he had said he’d loved. I’m not sure if he knew or not but we had a praying mother. She loving him so much that she said Lord. If he’s not going to serve, you take him when he does know you. We’ll, sometime after that he started to get sick and the army started treating him for AIDS. Neither mom nor dad stop praying but just believe that the Lord was going to take care things his way. Soon after he was shipped back to the states and somewhere there in the Lord heard a mother’s prayer. She was truly glad to see him and even more to contented that he had renewed his his relationship with Jesus. Been several weeks later he went to be with HIM.
Had my brother not got right with the Lord, I dealt very seriously. He’d be in heaven today.
I guess in final thought is the Lord going to take you and keep you through where you know you should not be regardless or is it your choice by doing the actions that fall short of God’s glory.
To this day I do believe because a mother was willing to give up her son had any, she gained a son in heaven, where she is today.
I absolutely agree! So many Christians are quick to judge those who wander a2ay only to come back to Him. (He rescues the 1 from the 99). I have seen it as an RN those who repent and ask Him to forgive them. And they are not related they already were saved.
Typo, meant they are not re saved they are already saved!
Steve, Salvation cannot be lost based upon what you may or may not do.The seal of God never removes itself from you.Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. The only time the seal of God is removed is when the day you been redeemed. you are incorrect to say salvation can be lost because I no longer serve him or stop believing in him. When you learn that salvation is based on God not man, you will walk in Grace not by sight.
Spot on!
Of course you can lose your salvation. Judis raised people for the dead and he now burns in hell. One mortal sin will condemn you to hell. I’m sorry that protestants have lost the truth so greatly but you must strive everyday to live as Christ. But if you have no life in you as John 6 speaks of how will you ever find salvation. You must eat His flesh and Drink His blood. HE ONLY FORMED ONE CHURCH. Convert and be saved. God bless you and the Virgin protect you.
Remember it had been said that many will say Lord Lord. And He will say I knew you not.
Judas was never saved. Period. John 6:70 Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?
John 6:71 He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve. You Catholics have no understanding of scriptures.
You really think Jesus being God in the flesh did NOT know Judas would betray him? Psalm 41:9 Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me. Jesus quoted OT scriptures of Judas! Post the scriptures where Judas was ever saved?
You clearly take that OUT of context Scott. You think Jesus does NOT know who gets saved? John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. You are only contradicting the Word of God.
You took that out of context Scott. That is to the Jews, not to the Church.
Virgin protect me? Wow she was married and had children. Convert to the cult of Catholicism? No thanks you need to convert? Your current pope is a heretic. Your cult puts tradition on par with scripture. There at least 62 places where the catechism says one thing and the bible says something else.
That’s a heresy from hell if I ever saw one. By saying that, you deny Jesus’ finished work, sinless life, death and resurrection. I can’t imagine anyone ever wanting anything to do with a God who expects people to ‘will’ their way to heaven under impossible circumstances. Even with the Holy Spirit, and to deny God’s promises as well as the mouth of Jesus himself. you are following a heresy, and telling children of God they must not believe Jesus, but BE Jesus.
Amen John! Preach it!
I dont believe was ever saved.
When salvation is truly experienced, ones desires change completely. At that exact point, we desire, want and are driven by the Holy Spirit accepted, to do the will of God. TRUE SALVATION can not be lost. Furthermore; our responsibility of deciding to accept Christ, replaces our free will with His Will be done. Our will is lost in His will. We agreeably become like slaves to Christ. And finally, because we remain imperfect creatures until we are taken home, we will sin. Not because want to. But because we are still imperfect. The very need of a saviour.
So then, the real question is; Are We Really Christians.
Your whole post denies Jesus. So what is your point?
You are speaking of the Law of sin and death. Jesus came to replace that law with the Law of life in Christ Jesus. Jesus came and lived a sinless blameless life so that his sacrifice would be acceptable to atone for our sins. If it were possible for us to live a sinless life, there would have been no need for Jesus’s sacrifice. when you fall into the belief that your salvation is by your own works and how you live your life, then you are denying Christ’s right to his throne. That Christ’s work on the cross was in vain. God gave David the keys to the kindom knowing that he would stumble and sin against God, yet God did not take the keys from david and God did not take his promise of salvation from david. It want Judas’ betrayal of Jesus that condemned him to hell. it was the direction his life went after he stumbled. Guilt and shame are from the devil and they have a way of making us feel unworthy to approach God and makes us believe that God would turn us away if we were to ask forgiveness of him. when in TRUTH, God is a God of mercy and grace. Judas let his shame take him to the grave, it wasn’t God that sent him there. God would never SEND someone to hell or else why did he come to atone for ALL sins? He even said as he died on that cross “they know not what they do”. Even those who believe they live a so called “blameless life” sin as well, they just aren’t aware of the many ways you can fall from grace. but you will never read in the scriptures that someone can fall away from his mercy. as long as Christ is your personal savior and always turn to him, knowing that he has already forgiven your past, present, and future sins, you have not lost your salvation even for a second. even while you were sinning. Jesus knew that Judas would betray him and that Peter would deny him 3 times, yet he still longed to have a last meal with them. That is Gods love for you. Yes we should all be careful to be an example of Gods love. But his love is not conditional! His love shows mercy and grace even to those who hurt us. as for Mary the mother of Jesus, she has no power to protect anyone. She, just like everyone else prays and bows before God. She didn’t stay a virgin forever. She had a second son with Joseph. Mary was on the mount at the cross receiving her salvation just like everyone else who believes in him. You are so much more precious and loved than the faulty carnal life we all live.
If I’m truly saved, and now practicing homosexuality, will I still be saved?
Where in the Scriptures was Judas ever saved? Right here Jesus said have not picked one who is a devil? John 6:70 Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?
John 6:71 He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve. Just cause one walked & talked with Jesus for three years did not make Judas saved.
Salvation is of the spirit, therefore the whole salvation is the spirit that was separated at the Garden of Eden. ye shall surely die. yes, he died spiritually separated from God eternal, (death in the bible refers to separation). Adam and Eve did not died at the Garden they were expelled they lived soul and body and of course a human spirit. the soul and body were purchased at Eph.1-13-14 at the rapture he will come for his bride which is the complete spirit, soul and body, we will be transformed from the corruptible to an incorruptible, now the spirit was already in heaven ( to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD, HE WILL JOIN THE SOUL AND BODY, THEY WILL BE TRANSFORMED, IF THE SPIRIT IS SINLESS INCORRUPTIBLE HOW CAN WE SIN OR LOSE SALVATION DUE TO SIN. 1JOHN 3-9
Amen Stephen
Hi Guys thanks for this thread. This and hebrews 10:26 and the story of Jacob and Esau has really caused major depression and anxiety in me. Its literally got to the stage where I’m like I’m so stressed what the point of even trying to understand any more. Research after research no definitive answer. I have always stood up for Jesus even through my back slid state. But it wasnt the sin as much more how these passages made me so depressed that I back slid if you get me? I know how Real Jesus is as I felt the holy spirit physically. But I did will fully sin especially sexually after my sister got killed in a Hi-jacking in 2008. In saying this I never felt good ever after all this sinning deep down. How ever due to these passages and the fear is why I sinned can you believe it? I have asked for forgiveness and repented. But still these passages haunt me so it’s like what else must you do? So in essence im not sinning but depressed because of these passages which Is Gods word. I’m sorry I’m not perfect like other Christian’s and filled with Joy which makes it even worse. You do start to question though does he really want me. Read that passage about Jacob i loved Esau I hated ? Seriously before they were even born? This is what makes me back slide not “sin” as such I cant stand my deep thinking brain and ask Jesus to please change it. I wish you all the best on your walks. As i truly battle with mine due to these passages not SIN as such. I also question could Paul or God not make it more clearer so if we doomed than we can accept it? I’m not a jew trying to sacrifice bulls and go back to old traditions. I’m just a human that has gone into sin never denied Jesus as lord and saviour. But these passages have truly ruined my walk especially with my analytical deep thinking brain. Hopefully one day I will get a clear answer until then the struggle will continue.
Hi Stephen,
Thank you for this article. Im just one of those who believe that once we are genuinely saved, we are always saved. I went to our midweek service tonight, and the preacher asked who among us believe in this doctrine. So I politely raised my hand and backed this with the passages I read on the Bible and told them about my experience as well. But I was taken aback when told that I may have to have a long discussion about over this as he is a BIBLE SCHOLAR. I felt like I had no right to present my belief cos Im bot a Bible scholar. Is it healthy to remain in this church? Thank you so much for your time. God bless you.
I have been here-falling into pornography again and again and all sorts of unseemingly habits,so I understand.
Read earlier Hebrews 10:17-18
“And their sins and their lawless acts
I will remember no more [no longer holding their sins against them].”
Now where there is [absolute] forgiveness and complete cancellation of the penalty of these things, there is no longer any offering [to be made to atone] for sin.“
Your problem might is likely your remembering your sins-well don’t because Gods forgotten them. You could be trying to make up for them by feeling bad,or guilty-well truth is you can’t. But the good news is Jesus already made up for all your mistakes-and this I believe is the context of Hebrews 10:26 trying to atone for our sins and rejecting the forgiveness that is in Christ-so just accept the fact that he has forgiven you,forgotten your sins and cleansed you of all unrighteousness 1John 1:9
and even better-
You cannot lose your salvation the Greek contained in Ephesians 2:8 “for it is by free grace of God that you are saved-“that word saved comes in perfect tense meaning it’s been done already and it has ongoing effects,-so realize your salvation was not in your own power to gain and it’s also not in your own power to lose.
Dont overthink it God loves the most wicked sinner just as much as the greatest saint.
He died for you knowing everything you’d ever do Romans 5:8,and if Jesus paid the price for the sins of the whole world 1 John 2:2 do you really think you could ever out sin his grace? You could commit ever sin that has ever been and will ever be committed and still his blood would be enough-
There is so much more I could say-but I’ve made quite a long argument already,but the truth is-
You don’t have to keep struggling with guilt,you can be free-just realize his blood is and forever will be enough and that is good news.
David, these are called stronghold sins, What you need to do is have men in your church pray over you & fast. Some sins are easy to overcome, and some are not. There is a two-book series that really helped me overcome sins.
One is called Bondage Breaker and the other one is Victory over Darkness.
Both were written by Neil T Anderson. DO NOT BUY anything else from him. Look for these books, FOLLOW THESE BOOKS TO THE T! I hope these books help you. God Bless.
Justin Hall.
Hello brother, I want you to know when I read your comment it was like I read my own thoughts and that maybe I had even written this comment myself. I have a lot of things I have found that have given me peace and rest. Read the book ” the power of the blood covenant” by Malcolm Smith. Every Christian should read this book in fact. It will truly open your eyes to understand how much we are loved by God and forgiven. Also Pete Briscoe , whom I’m convinced also read this book has a great app with his mother and father. There are sermons on all the forgiveness we have, even people like you and myself. Also there is a great book call the Grace of God by Andy Stanley which displays how patient, loving and forgiving to ALL his children. Please read these books. And lastly psalm 51 is a great one to read. If you know the story behind it you should feel better in knowing that king David wrote that a year after all he had done, and yet he is still loved by God the Father! The liar wants you to think that you can’t come home prodigal son, but God is waiting for your return! Never give up!
Thank you John, for responding to Justin. That really means a lot to me, even if I don’t know why ?
Justin, God seals the believer the second you come to Jesus, Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, How long does God keep the new believer sealed for? Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. You are sealed by God to the day he redeems you. Fear not , you can NEVER LOOSE your salvation.
Hey Justin,
i cannot believe that everything you posted was me 4-5 years ago. I was in such a daze that I turned away from Christ because Of my temptation and the comprehension of these type of passages. It made me question existence itself, and why the word of God could say such a thing. I was heart broken and terrified.. even to this day I feel a certain way. I was expecting a miracle to save me from myself… but I waited only to die into sin. I have committed countless sins, and became the definition of sin itself.
I started having thoughts of doubt believing I was not from him, but from the evil one… hit me back up. I would enjoy talking to you.
Justin (or anyone reading), what you described happened to me over 40 years ago. I had the joy of the spirit one moment and the next I didn’t. I “kept on sinning willfully” and it happened. I spent 30 years in the wilderness, away from God, trying to escape my thoughts, and without hope. That changed 11 years ago, when I came back to Christ. It’s been a long journey. I chose to believe “nothing can separate us from the love of God”. I chose to believe God would never take away hope. I decided to believe the reverse of Hebrew 10:26 — if we stop sinning willfully, there remains a sacrifice of sins. I believe God was with me the whole time, knowing I was on a path to him all along. He was waiting for me to mature and understand certain things before I could live the life he wanted me to live. Eleven years ago I decided to reach out in faith and follow him again. I gave up porn — threw it all in the trash and deleted it from my computer. I haven’t looked at porn since. You have to be serious. After so many years, of course I had all of those porn videos in my head, and it took 3-4 years for those to go away. You just have to keep trying. You’re going to fail, but his forgiveness is real if you’re honest and keep trying. Put blocking software on your computer and phone if that’s your problem. I’m not saying it hasn’t been hard. Often I feel nothing. At 19 when this happened to me, I was in the ‘honeymoon phase’ with God (look it up), and my joy was deep. That deep joy will never return I don’t think, but after 11 years, I have a knowing. I see the fruits of his love in my life. I have to hope in him, there is nothing else. I can never give up. I hope you won’t either. If anyone wants to email me, do so at bilbono at gmail.
Justin Hall, look at the hearts of Jacob and Esaul. not what they did. God weighs our motives and our hearts, not our deeds. Jacob, just like everyone has fallen from Gods grace more than once, but never fell from Gods mercy. Just like my comment above, God knew Peter would deny him and judas would betray him, yet Jesus still loved them so much he longed to have one last meal with them. You can live your life with such joy. The things that keeps you from walking in Gods grace and joy is the fear of not being able to measure up and that IS VERY depressing. Jesus came and took our punishment because he KNOWS we could never earn our salvation. that’s why he said the HE is the way and the truth and the life. if we lived by our way to find truth and life, we will surely lose it. the fear you have is straight from satan himself. fear comes from facing something we know we have no control over, but the flaw in that logic is that we NEVER have ANY control over ANYTHING. when you feel afraid and confused, remind the enemy who your God is! Tell that devil that he can take his fear back to hell because you were never in control anyways and a loving and merciful God has the control. whatever circumstances you face, are only tests to see what you’re made of. even some of the greatest names in the bible fail tests, but they never lost their salvation. Check out a book called “Epic Battles of the Last Days” by Rick Joyner. It sounds like you are going through spiritual warfare, and this book helps you understand how to equip yourself to combat the enemies schemes.
Sorry not true, 2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
Murders all liars will have their place in the lake of fire.
Still not convinced. If you are spiritually dead, are you saved, if you are of the devil are you saved? You would probably say yes. But what does the bible say about the brethren that sin.
James 1:12-16 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren.
1 John 3:8 says if you sin you are of the devil. I realize that OSAS teaches that people that are of the devil will still go to heaven. The problem is that Jesus will say “I never knew you”
You are a lost Soul Robert! The BEMA SEAT is for the SAVED ONLY! The UNSAVED is is the GREAT WHITE THRONE! I can see you are very ignorant of the Bible. Compare your Bible verses to Jesus’s words,
John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
John 6:38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.
John 6:39 And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.
John 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day. Look, Jesus said I cast out NONE, I LOSE NONE! You say he does. Jesus said he doesn’t.
I believe God’s Word is clear that true salvation cannot be lost. Jesus warned us of the difficulties that would follow if we choose to carry His cross. Jesus, absolutely, understands the troubles and tribulations of this earthly journey. That we will experience depression and sadness in the difficult times. That’s the test: In the worst of times, we lean closer into Him……trusting and growing in His love relationship with us. Those who say the words but truly fall away and reject Jesus…..were not saved to begin with. Nothing was lost. Salvation was not there to begin with. God reads our hearts and knows our thoughts…He will not be mocked! Prayers daily for the lost because time is running out! Ellen
Thanks for sharing this Ellen! I agree that God allows us to experience trials so that we’ll draw close to him!
Hi. As you know, the concept of sin is no longer in fashion in many Christian churches. A Course in Miracles declares: There us no sin. The son of man us free. As a Christian myself, I have suffered my entire life with this burden of sin. I am slowly getting free of it. We are innocent. Period. What if we know this? Instead of acting out of fear, we act out of selflessness and love. What if we know we’re not perfect? And it’s ok. We’re lovable and safe and still need Jesus. We don’t have to transform into Jesus. We are perfect as we are and want him all the more because he loves us as we are. He is our best friend. We don’t have to be better to be lived by him. We act of kindness because we are kind. I
The concept of sin makes us selfish. Our true nature us selfless. Of course we need correction and growth, but from a place of gentleness and compassion. I don’t want to take because it doesn’t feel good. I don’t want to control or dominate, not because it’s be evil or wrong, but because it hurts, it feels bad, it doesn’t make me happy. Why doesn’t it make me happy? Because it doesn’t make the other person happy. We don’t need fear to shape our actions. When we aren’t afraid of being wrong or punished, we naturally act out of kindness and love, for that is who we are. I wish you healing, my friend. God loves us. Jesus loves us. No matter what.
Thank you Stephen Brother ! Made me tearful and dissipated my fears !
Lord Jesus who came as a man knows all the difficulties that human beings have to go through life with temptations from the Devil and He came into the World and was born as a child for a purpose – to save sinners by shedding His precious blood and that includes every soul that is born in this World ! So Sinners who can come to him for deliverance from sins will certainly get saved .
Stephen, I’m in the hand of God and nothing or no one can pluck me from his hand; including myself! I concur with you completely! When Jesus saves, He saves completely! MARANATHA
Amen! When he saves us, he does ALLLLLL the work!
Thank you for settling that question in my mind once and for all. I have always believed that once saved, always saved, but deep in my heart Jesus’ words in Matthew 7 v 22 and Matthew 25 v 31 – 46 always worried me and niggled at me. We pass so many hungry, destitute people every day as we go about our business and it is impossible to heed them all. However, your article has reassured me that God has me safely in His care until Jesus comes back. Thank you!! GOd bless you.
I’m really glad it was helpful Lynn!
Hi Mr. Altrogge,
I have come to realize how truly slow I am to understand many (most) of God’s truths, but I do know that I belong to Christ. Forever. I don’t understand why He’d want be because…well…MAN! But still, He does. I will not turn away because there is nowhere to turn that does not lead away from Him and because I am SO looking forward, one day, to being somewhere near Him in His kingdom. Daily I fail, but I will strive to continue and to grow, every prayerful and thankful that He has never lost even one that He called.
Thanks for your thoughts. This is twice today that this Jeremiah chapter has come to my attention. I need to give it much more consideration.
Amen!!! We are his and nothing can take us away! Praise God for that!
Hello Stephen,
In my church we were taught that you could lose your salvation. So I focused on not going to hell. After I got married the Lord called my husband to preach and when he shared what the Lord reviled to him, I had trouble believing . But one day as I was doing some ironing, the question came to me, which one of your children cease to be your child, no matter what. Since that day I am confident in God and am free to lead others to Christ.
God bless and keep up the good work,
Thanks Zinnet!
Hebrews 12. For the joy set before Him, endured the cross. The JOY of securing for all who would believe, Eternal life, peace with God. Enduring the cross was not in vain, no. Reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice daily should help us persevere due to making our hearts be filled with gratitude, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. We deserved to die, but he, ungrudgingly, joyfully, went instead. Can we believe this to the end? If so, fear not, be filled with the joy of the Lord.
I came from a Pentecostal/Charismatic background. They were a little extreme on the holiness fringe. At least they were consistent. One sin, you’re out. Truth, the wages of sin is death. Not unanswered prayer, not broken fellowship, death. That is hardly good news. It’s still truth, so what are Christians to do? Either we are lost and saved and lost and saved over and over or Jesus took upon Himself all the sins of man. There is no more death for those who received Christ’s free gift of Grace. Because once saved, we are forgiven once for all time.
As for the Calvinistic approach to security, I disagree. Perseverance of the Saints is actually sad, bad news. It’s not Grace. It is pure works. Salvation becomes God starts it but we finish it or perfect it. My eternal salvation isn’t based upon my ability to persevere. It’s all on Him. He preservers me to the end, for it is written we are sealed with the Spirit until the day of salvation, not until the day we burn out and quit persevering. Because salvation is by Grace through faith, the moment we believed we are eternally secure. Unconditional eternal security is the Gospel of Grace. 🙂
Is it possible to get a copy of this article? I teach Bible Study to the women at Huron Valley Women’s Prison in Ypsilanti,
Michigan and I am constantly reminding the women that you cannot loose your salvation. I then stress that your salvation experience must be a heart changing experience and not just a head changing experience. I believe this article would help me reinforce the fact that you cannot loose your salvation if you have truly had a heart changing experience and the Holy Spirit, a gift from Jesus has come to reside in your heart.
Thank you for your consideration.
One of God’s servants
Sandra J Ellis
I thinking of this matter as in a marriage. You know, love and relationship are both necessary factors in a marriage and in Christianity. I can truly say that , as for me, I will always love my husband. If he divorces me in the future I can assure you two things. Firts, that I have always fell loved by him. He really cares for me and wants me by his side. Second, that I don’t want a separation, but I would have to accept it. As part of my love for him I could never force him to be by my side. You know, coldness and lack of interest could kill the most intense love. That’s what happen when people leave God. Some were never interested at heart. But some really get tired of waiting for God or starts meddling in the business of sin. I have seen many kids that really loved God and when becoming adults leave Him. I have seem preachers leaving God because of adultery, but when with the Lord, seems in a deep relationship with Jesus. How this could happen? Because the gates of sin were not opened for many years. So as I understand our salvation can be lost. But is not up to God but we indeed are responsible to keep the gift of salvation pure. It is never up to God to loose a soul. Ins’t this referered in the Bible as an anathema? A person who was in the way but depart from it? Please coreect me if I’m wrong.
Thank you! You are absolutely right.
There is a lot of misunderstanding of the doctrine of “The Perseverance of the Saints” here. Reformed Christians do not believe it is up to you by works. Some commenters have this completely backwards. “Calvinism” is quite misunderstood by many people. The true saint perseveres because God does the work. Perseverance is just what happens, and the evidence of God’s promise.
I really appreciate your ministry Stephen, especially this feature which I came across some weeks ago. As I’am writing to you there are a couple of things on my mind that have been weighing on my spirit. I recently have come across several testimonies on Youtube and in the past also books of people including Christians who have been show visions of Hell.
My main concern is that some if not all of the testimonies spoke of Christians in hell for everything from erroneous teachings to complacency,including pastors for not tithing, that even the once saved always saved teaching was in error, with one former Calvinist asserting that he saw some of his church members in hell because if believing this. And one even spoke of people with tattoos as being damned to hell and whereas one can give up the practice of sinning as one listed them from the occult to smoking even football! I don’t see how one can undo a tattoo and I have a couple.
Now I know full well to contrast all these accounts with scripture as we are admonished to test all spirits, I for one find this very provoking even disconcerting. So I opened up the dialogue with my wife and brother-in- law who both have tattoos as well and would like to pursue this concern with you too. At the end of the day I’am encouraged that God is good and surrender to His will whatever the case. I would like however to proceed with a little more caution and better understanding that I may also help other who may find themselves in the same despair at this possibility, if I may put it that way.
We don’t do good to BE saved, we do good because we ARE saved. If we are truly saved it’s not about perseverance it’s
about God indwelling our hearts. Phillipians 2:13 “for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”
I have been on a journey where God has really shown me the debts of His love as a FATHER. I truly believe he will never leave me because of the Spirit of Adoption. A decent father will never leave or take back his inheritance because his child struggles with rebellion. Anyone with children knows that first hand. Its all a process and about growth. Some who have been saved for years are still 1 years olds in Christ so to speak. He does expect growth, and the Bible is the manual for growth, maturity, and going deeper in God. But once again it is a process. Here is where the tug is. This journey for me all started because I have been saved for many years. I cut off the tv, threw out the music, raised high standards and became very self righteous. I honestly became a Pharisee. Every time I would fall into any kind of sin I would have extreme terror that I wasn’t saved, because my salvation had somehow become bases on my works. Now fast forward….I had something very painful happen recently that shook all of that. My life seemed to be falling apart, and on top of that I realized I was a Pharisee putting God in a box, and the pendulum swung the other way. I never stopped talking to God and still believe I hear His voice, but went completely worldly. But my tug is that verses about being lukewarm, and Francis Chan and other very influential Pastors saying that Lukewarm Christians are not actually saved, really tries to bring fear again. Because now I know I’m lukewarm, I’m definitely entertaining things I shouldn’t, but have just been in a cold season willfully medicating on the world so to speak. So here I am trying to find what that balance really is. Because ultimately, I do love God and believe in everything He has said and that his foundation of Christ IS ENOUGH no matter what is true. But I also know that in recent times I went head first back into the world thinking it could satisfy a pain, and I haven’t really known how to get fully back out of it. I found that I’m not the self righteous person I thought I was. In fact I found that I actually love sin and desire it. So now its the question of truth. I genially got saved, but became so self righteous it wasn’t about Christ at all. Painful life events happened, eyes were open to my self righteousness, became extremely Luke warm. Both sides produce fear. My prayer is: where is that balance? How do you truly live? Some very influential leaders teach that majority of the “church” isn’t saved. I don’t want to believe that because given my actions, I would have to lump myself in with that. Without Jesus, I am absolutely nothing. Without Jesus I deserve every punishment that should have come to me. Its all about Jesus. But I can humbly admit that most days in my current season, I struggle to be in but not OF this world. And if there is no redemption through Jesus, I really have nothing. I feel like Paul, “who can save this wretched man? Thanks be to Jesus”. Because I fail and I fail and I fail. I truly hope that I’m never one who is deceived, but genially don’t know what the exact Christian life should look like in this modern world. Sorry for the rant! Im glad I found this post.
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Can you please explain the story of the 10 virgins. How was it Jesus only let 5 in?
According to John Piper it’s because 5 of the virgins prayed and watched while the other 5 waited to the very end then wanted to do whatever they could to get in
This is one of the controversial Questions out there being answered.
Salvation is a gift, which I don’t think can be lost.
But sins can send one to hell.
We need to take the whole truth of God’s word! Certainly we are saved by grace. There is no question that Jesus death paid the debt we could never pay. But once we become His children, we don’t become robots. We are called to follow Him. He has provided everything we need for the journey: Prayer, time to grow, promises of help and hope. It is not easy to fall because we choose to leave. We leave by making choices to not serve Him, to not leave the carnal sins that confront us in the world, by not seeking forgiveness, not being in His word in some way or another so that He can feed us with His word. It is not easy to fall, but we can do it by neglecting the salvation He has given us so freely. Christians should hate sin because it is what put our savior on the cross. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. In the parable of the sower, Jesus said plainly that some, having recieved the seed and it grew, later fell because it was choked out by the world. God gives us continual opportunity to choose Him, or come back to Him, but He won’t live with sin.
Stephen, I really have enjoyed your articles and have used them in my life because I have suffered with anxiety and depression much of my life. I had often thought of leaving the church, leaving God, or ending my life but even in my darkest hour, He never let go and therefore I could never let go. It showed me how powerfully God works in our lives, but it is still a choice to keep seeking Him. Why would He warn us that Satan is like a roaring lion, seeking those he may devour? He is not after the world, he already has them. We dont have to fear Satan because he has no power but what we give him.
If you can’t lose your Salcation how do you explain the Angel Satan that is condemned to hell?
Satan was not saved
To be saved you have to have been lost in the first place. Angels are not lost, nor operating under the lost and saved and redeemed by Jesus doctrine, Jesus shed blood for our sins, so we don’t have to pay for our sins, that’s salvation. He didn’t die for the sins of demons. Salvation and the devil’s condemnation have nothing to do with each other.
I said the exact thing to myself while reading these comments. If Satan and Angels were kicked out of Heaven, what makes us mortals believe we are guaranteed a place in Heaven?
These people are not properly reading and understanding the scriptures. Once you are saved, that is when Satan comes after you the most, to try to make you fall from grace. Yes it is possible if you are not perseverant.
I have to ask the question,
Can Satan devour ( snatch one of God’s precious lambs) out of His hands?
Can the devil separate us from God? Even if a person falls into sin, but they ask God’s forgiveness, can the person’s sin be to great to be forgiven, or can the devil prevent God from forgiving them even though they are asking for forgiveness and to be saved from their sins, to be saved from eternal damnation in hell separated from God?
Stephen-I think the best evidence for the security of the believer could have been found a few verses down in Hebrews 6. After the scenario is set in Hebrews 6:4-8 that describes the possibility of a believer “falling away” he then concludes in verse 9: ” But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak.”
He assures us of better things that accompany salvation than falling away. So true salvation is not accompanied by falling away-but rather by God enabled perseverance. In effect Hebrews 6 is not the landmark scripture for proving the possible “falling away” of believers, but rather it refutes that possibility by stating that true salvation is “better” than that.
This is true , I have a friend who is taught he can continue to fornicating since he was saved continue paying for sex because God loves him anyway. Seems his church has forgotten every verse Jesus Himself says about repentance. If you can continue this why not drugs, child abuse , rape your saved.
Arminianism versus Calvinism. I hold to the Armenian View. I believe the God gave us absolute and total free will. I can choose to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior and walk with him all the days of my life and in that my salvation is secure. However, I also believe that because I can choose to walk away from the God who loves me and because of that love He will not force me to walk with him. I am not losing my salvation, however, I am choosing to give it up.
Correct! The author contradicts himself – I know many people who were Christian, living the walk, talking the talk, active in the spirit, many I’ve met in person but one famous person, pastor Joshua Harris, who have gone on to publicly reject Christianity and renounce it
They were saved, and they lost their salvation – so YES somebody can be a bible following Christian who is saved, then stop caring, renounce Christianity, and be unsaved
The parable of the seeds is clear of this as well
Judas was in fact a follower of Christ, who was tempted by the devil, gave into temptation and lost his salvation… had Judas repented of his betrayal he would have been saved… Judas showed guilt and remorse, and he tried to get rid of the thing he obtained by sin, but he never actually repented… the bible tells us it would have been better had he never been born,(Matt 26:24) so
It’s safe for us to assume that that clearly indicates that Judas ended up in the fires of hell.
Jesus talks many times about the fires of hell, and the importance of us in not only believing, but in STOPPiNG OUR SIN!!!!
Jesus says in Matthew 5:30 “And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and
cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee
that one of thy members should perish, and not
that thy whole body should be cast into hell”
In Matthew 25:45 Jesus talks about how in the end days people will be seprarated, and people who claimed to
Follow Jesus and DID believe but did not put their beliefs into action would be cast into the fires of hell also (the parable of the sheep and the goats)
“We hear in 2 Peter 3:9 of the Lord’s vast patience: “. . . not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” Yet people will perish—once they have passed the doorway of death without knowing Christ.”
Wikipedia’s description of “apostasy in Christianity” states this
“Temptations: Christians were tempted to engage in various vices that were a part of their lives before they became Christians (idolatry, sexual immorality, covetousness, etc.).
Deceptions: Christians encountered various heresies and false teachings spread by false teachers and prophets that threatened to seduce them away from their pure devotion to Christ.
Persecutions: Christians were persecuted by the governing powers of the day for their allegiance to Christ. Many Christians were threatened with certain death if they would not deny Christ”
Luke 8:11–13 – Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. The ones along the path are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy. But these have no root; they believe for a while, and in time of testing fall away. (ESV)[11
1 Timothy 4:1 – But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons. (NASB)
Hebrews 3:12–14 – Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end. (ESV)[12]
Matthew 13:20-21 – The seed sown on rocky ground is the person who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy. But he has no root in himself and does not endure; when trouble or persecution comes because of the word, immediately he falls away [skandaliz?]. (NET)
Matthew 24:4, 9-10, 13 – And Jesus answered them [his disciples], See that no one leads you astray. . . . They will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. And then many will fall away [skandaliz?] and betray one another and hate one another. . . . But the one who endures to the end will be saved. (ESV)
I believe the bible is very clear that a saved person can fall away from
Salvation, by temptation into continual sin and lawlessness, by a rejection of faith, or by fear of persecution
– if peter has died right after rejecting Jesus 3 times, he may have met a similar fate to Judas and wound up in hell, but Peter was redeemed through faith and repentance… Judas believed in the death and resurrection
Of Christ, but Judas did not repent… Judas fell away and his salvation was lost
Peter repented, and we know this because after he rejected Jesus 3 times for fear of persecution, He did end up getting crucified Himself upside down for following Jesus, so it is clear that while both Judas and Peter betrayed Jesus however the repentant man kept his salvation while the non-repentant man (although guilty and remorseful) did not
Jesus also tells us that by the measure of judgement we use against others, God will use that measure against us. So if we don’t forgive somebody or if we feel other people should go to hell, God will send us there
This is why we must continually check out spirit and mind and renew it
God calls everybody, and the bible says that it is Gods desire that nobody will perish, but only the ones who believe in the resurrection, proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord will be saved – Jesus also says “repent and be baptised” to be saved, and Jesus says that many who believe but do not back up their beliefs with their actions will not be (Matthew 25:45 and James 2)
My son is being taught by preachers the same. Always saved, but that isn’t true.
lots of errors in the article.
Thank you for this article. Forever we are His.
Hi, I know that as a young child, I asked Jesus to save me. As a child, I did not understand/ comprehend many of God’s promises in depth. How was I to fully understand the things that are discussed here in great depth? All I knew, is that I needed Jesus to save me from my sins, to save me from hell. I believed the gospel that was preached to me, that God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever ( I, me) believe eth in Him, should not die, but have everlasting life. As a child I came to Him asking Him to save me. Jesus said that we are to come to Him as little children. I did. I truly loved Him and worship Ed Him.
But at the age of 14, I experienced a terrible mental breakdown. I feared blaspheming Him, and being damned with no hope of forgiveness from Him. I am now 51 and have had several severe mental breakdown s over this matter. Terrible words and thoughts of blasphemy have bothered me so, that I have agonized over God rejecting me because of the bad words in my mind that have tormented me. About 10 years ago I was placed on Disability because of my fears of God rejecting me, because of my scary blasphemous thoughts. I have been diagnosed as Major Depression Reoccurring.
Just 2 years ago, my evaluation for being reapproved for Disability came up. I got scared that I might not be reapproved. I wanted use my fears to be reapproved. I never meant any of the terrible words in my mind (I never speak them, oh they are so terrible) but the very fact that I had these words in my mind and terrible blasphemous thoughts in my mind, has troubled me so, feeling that God will not forgive me, that there is no hope whatsoever for me. I fear God has rejected me, even though I have asked Him to forgive me possibly 1000s of times. Even though I cry out to Him please save me. I don’t want to go to eternal damnation. I don’t want that. I truly want Him to forgive me of all of my sins and save me. Is Jesus love for me greater than my sins? When I asked Him to save me back when I was a child, I did not know what I would do, or experience later on in life. All I knew was that I could not save myself, and I needed a Savior. I needed Jesus.
When I asked Him to save me then, did He say, Well, I will not, or I can not, because I know that later on in life you will have blasphemous thoughts? Or did He accept my request as an honest sincere child to save me? To save from sins I did not know anything about? I pray that He said Yes , I will save you no matter what, my child, I love you that much. I will hold you and keep you, no matter what happens in the future.
Ya’ll please pray for me and my family. This has been such a struggle. My wife has divorce d me. Our home is suffering. Please pray for me, that if Jesus can save me that He will give me peace in my mind, heart, soul, spirit and, body. And that He will restore my wife and family to me.
David, it is very probable that you have a condition known as scrupulosity- a form of OCD. I have it, too. It involves uncontrollable blasphemous thoughts and constant doubt of salvation. Look up the term. Contact me.
I Think once salvation is obtained it stays with you. I don’t think God wants us to doubt that relationship with Him. If I am constantly questioning it, I feel like I am questioning God’s abilities. All sins are equal in the eyes of God. When I received my salvation I asked for forgiveness of my sins. I took that to mean all of my sins. My heart and my soul have changed since becoming a Christian. I am still human though, just like God made me. He knows that I will make mistakes, that I may go down a wrong path. But He loves me and I know that I won’t deny Him. By me making mistakes and falling it only allows me to grow closer to Him. What type of relationship would I have with Him if I am constantly scared of its status?
Thank God, Like 80 some percent of people in the USA believe on God. So, Wide is the gate to heaven, narrow is the gate to hell. I feel better knowing that all of my friends that have fallen away will meet me in heaven.
No, you cannot LOSE your salvation like someone may lose their car keys in the cushions of the sofa but if someone desires to walk away from Christ and denounce their relationship with Him Christ is most definitely not going to force them into that relationship. This has nothing to do with 1st John 2:19. There will always be those who, like the parable of the sower and the seeds, are seeds who fell on stony ground and were scorched by the sun because they had no root, Matthew 13:5-6 The Bible is full of scripture concerning those who have walked away from their salvation. Galatians 1:6 “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from Him that called you into the grace of Christ into another Gospel.” Galatians 2:18 “For if I build again the things which I destroyed I make myself a transgressor.” Galatians 4:9 “But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?” Galatians 5:7 “Ye did run well, who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?” 2nd Peter 2:20-22 “For if after they have escaped the pollution’s of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are entangled therein and overcome, the latter end is worse with them, than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, the dog is turned to his own vomit again and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.”
These are just a few scriptures. The good news is that no man can take it from you as is stated in John 10 and you cannot ‘loose’ it, you and only you is the one that can cause that. As long as you are praying and staying connected with God there is no fear.
Hebrews refers to those who totally reject Christ, not sinners who are trying NOT to repeat the same sins! You cannot lose salvation but there are those who were not truly saved. You’ll know them by their fruits. Someone simply have an emotional experience after an altar call, that’s all. If you were to reject Christ outright, you were never saved in the first place. We all struggle with sin but as long as you hate it and seek to stop the same son, God does forgive you. For anyone here preaching you can lose your salvation, you must believe God plays you like a go-to. One day maybe saved, one day maybe not. How will you know?? You’re no better than the confused Catholics who are going to wait until Judgment Day to find out if they get to enter the Kingdom, and for them, it’s all about wad I behaved enough. Jesus shed his blood so you could SINCERELY ask ONCE for Him to enter your heart and life. If you don’t believe his sacrifice was good enough and that you must be a forever go-to, please spend time talking to Him.
So if I fully believed in Jesus when I was 12 years old, today at 41 I can disregard what the rest of the Bible says about Christian living, even renounce my faith, and still get to heaven? And don’t say then I was never really saved, because you don’t know my heart. Doesn’t the Bible say believe, confess, repent, be baptized, do the will of the Father in heaven, all in reference to being saved? We are saved by grace through faith, but doesn’t James 2:14-26 tell us our faith is demonstrated by our works?
Hi Stephen. I’m not sure if you’re a pastor. But i love what u have to say and how u bring scripture together with life. Stay encouraged and keep doing what your doing. Hopefully u have books out or will write a book. And post more about marriage and relationships. I will say that I know God well enough to know that his love is Unconditional and Everlasting. Even when we don’t choose God, he still chooses us every single time no matter what. That is what makes God so awesome. However we must remember there are consequences to our actions and personal choices when they don’t line up with God and his word.
Keep preaching and teaching and God bless u and your family.
Brother Justin Hall, Stop being so analytical in your deep thinking brain of yours. Read what it says in John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave us His one and only Son that whosoever believes shal not perish,but have eternal life. This passage of the Holy Scriptures sums up His love for us all wheather black, white , yellow, red, and brown. ALL people of all the races of the entire world. Remember doubting Thomas and what He said after Jesus’ other disciples told Unless I see the nail prints in His hands and put my hand in His side I will not believe. What happened a week later in that locked upper room the very next week. Thomas was there this time when Jesus said to Thomas to put his (Thomas’) fingers into His hands and then Jesus added to put his (Thomas’) hand into His side. Jesus told Thomas to stop doubting and believe. Thomas, thus replied My Lord and my God.Jesus thus said unto Thomas “Because you have seen me you believe in me, but blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe. Brother Justin, it is my sincere prayer that your struggle will end and that you really and truly take what I wrote to you today based all on Gods Holy Word to heart and find Gods peace within you heart and soul, for we all including YOU Justin can find that true peace in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In closing I leave with you with these words from Matthew 11:28-30 28) Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. 29) Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls 30) For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
i have lost my faith in god . i have read so many things that it has changed my thinking about eternal salvation.i cannot get it back again . i am worried that i have gone the wrong way and i dont know what to do. i cannot seem to change my mind back to believing. i have tried several things prayer etc. what happens if i dont get my belief back. i also suffer from severe depression. do you think that god has taken grace from me because of unbelief.
What i will share is just my experience and my struggles. I was raised as a Buddhist and when I became Christian, our church taught our salvation can be lost through having at least 1 sin in our life. My church feels very legalistic. Dress this way, eat this way, keep this day, abstain from this, do this…we do that all without emphasizing Jesus Christ. Imagine living like tjat for over 1p years and what it does to your spirit. Ive always felt like im walking on egg shells, just close to losing my salvation because of a sin i have yet to have victory over….so until Jesus finish that work in my life…i dont have true peace. Do you understand sympathetically? My only peace as a Christian was by my own power trying to live a sin free life. But i struggle just as much as any fallen human being. Not all Christians have complete victory over sins shortly after conversion.
I originally did not believe in “Once saved always saved”
But now SOME of it does make more sense. Just hear me out and hear my struggle and logic.
The thief on the cross. Jesus says he will be with him in paradise. That thief did not have the rest of his life to be fully sanctified and have victory over ALL his sins.
But my church teaches that one sin will keep us out of heaven.
You hear about an unbeliever who genuinely gave his life to Jesus at his/her death bed before he/she dies. They die but they did not have years of life left to overcome their drinking, smoking, or various sins.
If thats is the case, it feels God is judging us in a curve. Some people will make it to heaven easier than others.
What of the young Christian whom God helped him overcome 4 out 5 sins in his life. He dies tragically in a car accident. My church says hes going to hell because of that last sin he did not overcome….but my church also says no one is perfect and we wont be perfect until glorification. See how confusing that makes me? We are not perfect. Be ye perfect as I am perfect. The Bible’s version of perfection is different than our use of the word i hear.
The people in my church who believe in “we can still lose our salvation” tend to be more legalistic and more judgemental of other members in their own church.
We believe no one is perfect and perfection wont come til Jesus comes back and with glorification.
but after 10 + years in the church it started to confuse me. We are not perfect…and we are weak fallen humans…if Jesus works in us for his good works and no one is perfect but we can lose our salvation after getting eternal life…. it makes God’s gift more like…..”I am saved by this wonderful free gift with my faith in Jesus Christ” i have Salvation! then after receiving this wonderful gift…. you now have to work to keep this gift of salvation…. grace by faith then maintenance of salvation by works just seem contradictory now.
If it is true im saved once and for all eternity after placing my faith in Christ and through sanctification God helps me be a better Christian and if i dont live up to that standard i simply lose my heavenly reward (not salvation) then i wont feel this freedom of not walking on salvational egg shells amd Gods grace is greater than i originally understood. God gave me this wonderful gift and i cant earn my salvation…..but yet….im confused still.
One pastor on the radio mentioned no where is spoken in the Bible that once a believer sins, he loses salvation. That had me thinking. Are Christians immune to condemnation? Now therefore there is no condemnation for those in Jesus Christ? Im still confuse.
But now at this point and current struggle in my life and understanding the doctrine from 2 different viewpoints.
I hope once saved always saved is the true interpretation. If not, then i wont have true peace in my life until Jesus helps me live perfectly now. Who can wait until the day of Jesus until he completes the work if many died before the day of Jesus return?
Simply put. I will continue to put my faith in Jesus and Jesus alone regardless of what is being taught about salvation.
Brilliant observations and good discernment…
Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
Romans 8:12-13
This verse is one of many that proves spirit-filled truly born-again Christians can forfeit their salvation if they persist in these sins. How do we know? The key is the fact that Paul refers to them as “brethren”, so we know the intended audience is saved people.
Eternal life does not begin Day-1 when you get saved, as some kind of time continuation of this present life. It is not some kind of temporal add-on. It is an inheritance that we only posses in promised form, presently; given to us freely by Jesus. It is a reward for a committed life in Him. The challenge is to hold on to what has been given freely.
If you believe we have 100% free will, than you must by result agree we can lose our salvation. To suggest we can not, would fall under Calvinism- predestination. Where everything we do, and everything that happens is predetermined by God. Neither are really wrong per say. This has been a debate among many Christians for a very long time. With no real clear answer, just very compelling arguments. I think the more important thing here if anyone is reading this is, if you are serving God with all your heart, all your might, and all your soul, either way you have nothing to worry about. Life is not easy, and the word acknowledges many mistakes by many of the very men who are apart of the word of God. You feel un-saved? Lay it at the cross.. Do you think the God who created the ocean, the universe, mountains, humans, and all of the amazing wonders. Can not possibly help you on your life Journey? Seek him, tell him, ask him.
I hope not many young believers read from this writer. I’ve seen two articles from him and it is very deceptive. This article and the one speaking of our body being the temple of the Holy Spirit…
Regarding losing our salvation… Look at this Scripture for example:
He (Yeshua) has now reconciled in the Son’s physical body through his death; in order to present you holy and without defect or reproach before himself —provided, of course, that you continue in your trusting, grounded and steady, and don’t let yourselves be moved away from the hope offered in the Good News you heard.
– Colossians 1:22-23
The part that reads: “”provided, of course, that you continue”” it’s more than clear that there is a possibility that we can lose our salvation. No one knows when or how exactly… but adopting and preaching a man’s doctrine (Calvin 1559) who got his ideas from a Catholic priest, “Augustine”, has done too much damage in creating a lukewarm body of believers.
Paul himself said that he spoke “not if I have obtain it, but persevering till the end”.
He also said to “workout your salvation with fear and trembling”.
Etc etc etc…
Hello everyone. I have the same predicament as Justin Hall. I have been a Christian since the year 1991 but looking back at my life, I have led a dual life, worshiping the Lord at church on Sundays but continued with sexual immorality. March of last year, I committed again a willful sin, sexual immorality in which the Holy Spirit led me to read Hebrews 6 and 10 and I fear that I have lost my salvation. I sincerely repented of my sins and continue to ask for His mercy and forgiveness. In my case, there have been physical manifestations such as I suddenly lose weight and it seems I have lose the sensation of feeling hungry or full when eating. I still continue to pray and talk to the Lord, please pray for me. I even “heard” the Holy Spirit talking to me that I will die an old man with many disease/sickness and I will not outlive my family 🙁 GOD forbid. I asked Him to give me a sign if I still have hope by blessing me with a new job which He recently did but I am still confused until now If I still have a chance to have eternal life because of the physical manifestations I experienced and continue to experience. I feel that the Holy Spirit has left me. I would appreciate it very much if you include me in your prayers and if you can also give your input or advice on my dilemma. 🙁 GOD Bless Us!
Hi Stephen, Thank you for re-affirming what I already believe to be true. If someone is a true, born again Christian, who has God’s seal upon them, that person cannot lose their salvation.
The question here is mainly IF the person was saved to begin with. I just read another article on Got Questions. Org that gives a great explanation of this as well. You can find it here :
God Bless You All,
My name is Alan Finch. In April of 1976, I submitted myself to the Lordship of JESUS CHRIST.
Tragically, today’s Church does not have a good understanding of God’s Eternal Plan for ALL.
The Bible Colleges and Bible Seminaries certainly do not, or they would be teaching this wonderful Biblical insight. Pastors and Bible Teachers teach what they have learned in Bible College and Bible Seminaries.
Much Biblical truth has been lost from the teachings of the Early Church.
A Christian cannot loser their Salvation, but they can lose their privilege of ruling and reigning with Christ for ALL ETERNITY.
One of the great false teachings of the Church today is that ALL Christians will rule and reign with Christ.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, goes much deeper that asking JESUS to come into our hearts. Believe means to commit our lives to the Lordship of Christ. The Bible clearly points out the fact that there are Christians who come under the Lordship of Christ, and those who do not. The Bible refers to Christians who do not come under the Lordship of Christ as carnal Christians. It will be the carnal Christians who will not rule & reign with Christ for ALL ETERNITY.
There is a big difference between the Saviourship of Christ, and the Lordship of Christ in our lives.
Over the past 7 years, I have put together a 31 page document, that expounds greatly on God’s wonderful plan for ALL. If anyone would like a copy, just email me at: ([email protected]) and I will email you a copy.
Why would Peter fear being a castaway even after having preached the gospel? Why would he teach about restoration? How can you be restored if you can’t fall from grace? Why would he even write the letters of how to live to the churches? Who cares? Pray the sinners prayer and do what you want, right? THE BIG LIE!!!!